Dear Kyla,
Your first Halloween was great fun and you my dear were a big hit in your mini frappucino costume, such a hit that you scored your dad and I free coffee at our local Starbucks. I think you had a good time wandering our neighbourhood and stopping in to surprise Nana and Grampa and Gran who of course were thrilled to get a cuddle from our Starbucks cutie.
I wonder what you will be next Halloween!?
Gaol Daonnon,
December 16, 2012
Kai meets Ocean
Dear Kyla,
We went on our first family vacation in October - all the way to Cape Cod! We really wanted you to meet the ocean, a special friend to your dad and I. In fact we chose your nickname, Kai, because it means ocean. We knew this would be your name for a long time, ever since we stood on Kits beach in Vancouver - our first home. So far you have very much lived up to this nickname of yours. Like the ocean you are a whirlwind of activity, moving and changing right before our eyes. The ocean, however, can also be very calming and gentle and we often see these attributes in you as you sit and examine your books, reach to pat your puppy friends and nuzzle into us as we read to you. You are beautiful, graceful on your tip toes and you are always surprising us with something new each day. We have high hopes that you and the ocean will be life long friends!

Gaol Daonnon,

Gaol Daonnon,
September 9, 2012
bon fete kai!
Dear Kai,
On the move:
Happy baby:
are a smiley little girl and your giggle is music to our ears. My
favourite time of day is going into your room right when you wake up as
you are so smiley. You love people and are so curious about everything
around you. You really like puppets - so random but you just get such a
kick out of them. You also love your fur siblings Lily and Sprout
giggling at their licks and their funny slobbering smiles. We often find
you babbling away to your stuffed monkey it seems anything with a
little face will make you giggle.
The Sound of Music:
We are so excited for where the next six months will take us and to watch
you continue to flourish. You have brought us such joy since you came
into our lives and now Daddy, Lily, Sprout and I simply can't imagine
life without you. Happy half-birthday baby girl, we sure do love you!
The Sound of Music:
not a huge surprise that you love music, whether it being your Dad
playing his guitar or banjo or the music on my iPhone which puts you to
sleep when we are out and about. You also love your music class and
especially enjoy the tambourine! There are a few songs which will settle
you down right away if we sign them they are - All you Need is Love,
Come thou Fount of Every Blessing and All my Loving. We hope music will
continue to be an important part of your life.
Gaol Daonnon,
September 6, 2012
on the move!
Oh Kyla,

Your Daddy and I are in for it now! We knew it was coming and it seemed to be coming fast as you were born ready to move but just this past week we were still surprised to see you take a few solid crawls and now you are most definitely on the move!

Lily and Sprout better watch out and Daddy and I better get cracking on safe-proofing our home which is daunting to say the least. All the things you can now get your little hands on - oh my!
We are proud of you little miss mover and yet know this is really only the beginning of the many ways your will surprise us in the future with your wonderful ways of exploring and advancing. We are excited little one!
Gaol Daonnon,
Your Daddy and I are in for it now! We knew it was coming and it seemed to be coming fast as you were born ready to move but just this past week we were still surprised to see you take a few solid crawls and now you are most definitely on the move!
Lily and Sprout better watch out and Daddy and I better get cracking on safe-proofing our home which is daunting to say the least. All the things you can now get your little hands on - oh my!
Gaol Daonnon,
August 13, 2012
lions and tigers and bears - oh my!
Dear Kai,
Today we took you to the zoo for the first time. Your dad and I have been looking forward to this for awhile now but we held out until we thought you could appreciate it a little more and not sleep through the visit.

This was also a special visit as we went with your Gran and Great Aunt Elaine. You enjoyed riding on the Zoomobile with Great Aunt Elaine and didn't want to go in your stroller at all which made nap time a bit tough but you managed to get a bit of shut eye in your baby bjorn.
I think your favourite animals were the hippos and the elephants. You thought the hippos needed to go for a swim so you called out to them until they came towards you and took a dip in their pool. The elephant snuck up on Daddy and you but you didn't seem to mind and were quite mesmerized by its gentle strides around the enclosure.
It was a big day indeed and you were quite tired by the end of it. It is now safe to say that music of any kind will calm you down and Adele seems to be the ticket at the moment. She made many the appearance at the zoo via my iPhone (thank goodness for this technology!).
We didn't get to see everything but that's okay since Daddy and I got zoo memberships so we can take you back again soon. It will be so fun to see which animal amuses you next time. Until then we will continue to live with our own crazy zoo animals Lily & Spout!
Gaol Daonnon
Today we took you to the zoo for the first time. Your dad and I have been looking forward to this for awhile now but we held out until we thought you could appreciate it a little more and not sleep through the visit.
This was also a special visit as we went with your Gran and Great Aunt Elaine. You enjoyed riding on the Zoomobile with Great Aunt Elaine and didn't want to go in your stroller at all which made nap time a bit tough but you managed to get a bit of shut eye in your baby bjorn.
I think your favourite animals were the hippos and the elephants. You thought the hippos needed to go for a swim so you called out to them until they came towards you and took a dip in their pool. The elephant snuck up on Daddy and you but you didn't seem to mind and were quite mesmerized by its gentle strides around the enclosure.
It was a big day indeed and you were quite tired by the end of it. It is now safe to say that music of any kind will calm you down and Adele seems to be the ticket at the moment. She made many the appearance at the zoo via my iPhone (thank goodness for this technology!).
We didn't get to see everything but that's okay since Daddy and I got zoo memberships so we can take you back again soon. It will be so fun to see which animal amuses you next time. Until then we will continue to live with our own crazy zoo animals Lily & Spout!
Gaol Daonnon
August 9, 2012
a song for kai
Dear Kyla,
Today you are five months old and your Daddy and I cannot believe how fast time has flown over the past few months. We just got back from Nana and Grampa's cottage where we spent a week with Great Aunt Elaine from Scotland and Gran. So many memories were made, many photographs taken but still your Daddy and I cannot help but feel like all of these moment are slipping away too fast so we decided to start writing letters to you so each little memory has a home where we can come back to. So here is your first letter.
I could tell you about everything that has happened over the past few months or all the wonderful and clever things you are doing right now but I will save those things for later letters. For now I wanted to show you something very special, a song written especially for you. You may not recognize any of the words yet but I am sure you know the tune as your Daddy and I sing it to you often. It was written for your dedication just a few weeks ago, a very special day where we celebrated you!
I think as you grow up it will become one of your favourite songs and I hope you will hear our love in the tune as you hum it throughout your life.
Gaol Daonnan
A Song for Kai
You are surrounded by love
Like the great, big ocean
That we’ve spoken of
We want you to dream
When the daylight breaks
To imagine an enchanted
Even when you’re awake
And though we don’t know how to do it
And you have to grow your
own wings
We want you to teach you
to listen
To the beauty in
To listen to it sing
When you finally arrived
We were so surprised
That this tiny stranger
Could change our lives
We want you to know
We want you to discover
All of the places we love
And our love for each other
though we don’t know how to do it
And you have to grow your
own wings
We want you to teach you
to listen
To the goodness in
To listen to it sing
Maybe it’s supernatural,
finding out
That paradise is
How wonderful life is
That heaven’s reflection
is in your smile
Our best advice is
Whatever the crisis
To listen to the song in
your heart
When you fall asleep at
Close your eyes and we’ll
kiss you,
Love ain’t the issue
There’s always enough to
go around
And though we don’t know how to do it
And you have to grow your
own wings
We want you to teach you
to listen
To the beauty in
To listen to it sing
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